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Sunday, October 21, 2012

One blog (to be) gone, one to stay

A couple of years ago I started this blog after my previous sports blog, was retired when I went to work for the Cheyenne Tribune Eagle.

Originally, it was just an opportunity to ramble about sports in an unofficial capacity. Later, I began to write about Teresa's and my struggles with her health and began another blog, Wyomingsports, on Wordpress to separate them a bit, especially when I quit my job at the Tribune Eagle to be at home when Teresa was discharged from the hospital in Denver.

Even after her passing, I kept it up with both blogs, but mostly with the sports blog when I was freelancing and especially when I was not freelancing and still writing on my own covering University of Wyoming sports.

Now that I am a sportswriter for the Rapid City Journal, I no longer cover UW athletics. I guess it is time to retire Wyomingsports. It's kind of funny, looking at my stats, even with a disclaimer on the front page, I still get a handful of people now and then looking at it, likely expecting a UW story.

I am paying Wordpress for a special template and that payment will be coming up again sometime in November. Yes, I'm cheap but it doesn't make sense to keep it.

Soon it will be history.

I'll keep this blog to ramble on, mostly for my benefit.

Something tells me the state of the University of Wyoming football program will be brought up soon.

Again, mostly for my benefit.

Pee-essss -- I'm also blogging on Rapid City and the surrounding area athletics now on The sports department blog is called Shouting from the Sidelines. In fact, I blogged Sunday. Here's my recent:

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