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Thursday, November 24, 2011

The chance to give (and receive) thanks

I got this text from Teresa early Thanksgiving morning before I came down to Denver for the day.

I'm not sure how many people she sent it to, but it was a mass text, so I have a feeling it was quite a few. Teresa is still on schedule for her discharge from Colorado Acute Long Term Hospital in Denver on Dec. 13. If that happens, she will be three days shy of her admittance to this facility. She has been in various hospitals since October 2010.

Here's her text:

"Happy Thanksgiving! Well I will be home in less than three weeks. Can't believe I've spent one year of my life here. In dog years that is 7 years and I have 8 more years to live if I was a cat. Needless to say  I won't be eating dog or cat chow on this fine day of thanks.

"Over the past year here I have been extremely thankful for many things. First of all I'm thankful to my Lord who didn't take me when I had a fever of 104.2 and delirious. I thank him for my daughter, Cassie, who sat in the corner and watched her mother cry out that she wanted to die. My mom for listening to her daughter curse like a sailor and hold my hand through the delirium. Most of all my husband, Rich, who stuck through all of this wondering why my wife doesn't recognize me and listened to me bitch and moan. To Beth who started my fundraiser and texts me everyday ... and to the rest of my family and friends, thank you for all of the prayers, calls and texts.

"Thank you again for all things good and bad. Remember the glass is half full and ENJOY LIFE BECAUSE YOU CAN!


I'm not sure I could have said it better. Without all of the above (along with her care here at the hospital) and her determination to beat this, I'm not sure that Teresa would be here to give thanks. We also can't be more thankful to all of the prayers said by friends, family and even on Facebook from people Teresa has never met. We won't name names any further just so we don't leave anybody out. Hopefully, you know who you are and God bless you.

Teresa asked me what I wanted for Christmas the other day and I said, "I just want you to be home." Teresa didn't really buy that answer, but it is true. I finally said that we're going to concentrate on a few things for the kitchen ... new stove and dishwasher and eventually a new refrigerator; things that we've been needing for a long time but will also help her in her recovery.

What am I thankful for? The chance to get this text on Thanksgiving morning.

One more thing. Teresa got several replies on her text later in the day. Her reply to those replies: "Thank you for your thanks on Thanksgiving Day."

I told her she was a poet and didn't even know it.

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